Friday, February 2, 2007

Bartolome and Santiago Islands - February 2, 2007

Today is our last full day in the Galapagos Island. We awoke to find ourselves anchored just off of Bartolome Island. We had an early morning (6:30 am) hike up to the top of the island to get a good view of the geological features of the area. There were many remnants of lava tubes and recent lava flows. It reminded me of a moonscape.

After breakfast we put on our snorkeling gear and went out for awhile off the beach on Bartolome Island. We got a very close look at a large white-tipped shark who was circling his territory. We also got a nice look at two sting rays gliding across the sandy bottom.

During lunch we weighed anchor and traveled to Puerto Egas on Santiago Island. The island has a beautiful black sand beach. The currents were kind of strong but we went out snorkeling for a little while since it was our last chance to swim with the fishes. There were some great rock outcroppings to explore and we saw an amazingly colorful and large (2 feet long at least!) parrotfish.

After snorkeling we headed out for a final beach walk in the Galapagos Islands with our guide, Gilda. It was a wonderful walk. Highlights included seeing Galapagos mockingbirds gathering nesting material, watching a striated heron hunting and catching a Sally lightfoot crab, and having a Galapagos flycatcher land on my hand for a few moments. We took our time on the walk and were the last people off Santiago Island.

We have many wonderful memories of this expedition to the Galapagos to take home with us. We depart tomorrow for Lima, Peru where we will start our next adventure to Machu Pichu. I’m not sure that we will have email access in Peru so I may not be able to post to the blog until we get back to the US.

Sunny: 80-90 F
Water temperature: 74 F

Wildlife sightings to be reported later…..

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