Friday, February 9, 2007

Lima -February 9, 2007

Today we traveled from Cusco in the heart of the Andes back to the Pacific coast of Peru to Lima. We were met by another Lindblad guide who took us to a museum with a large private collection of pre-Incan clay pots. Although the Inca culture is probably the best known because of the encounter with the Spanish in the 1500's the cultural history prior to the Incas was long and rich. Most of the clay vessels we saw were taken from grave sites. The dead (at least the dead nobility class) were sent off into the afterlife with lots of stuff. In some cases hundreds of decorative pots were included in the graves and it is speculated that the pots were specially made for this purpose and not used in life.

The diversity of the pottery was fascinating, pots were made representing food that was eaten, animals, medical conditions, homes, just about every facet of everyday life.

After the museum we were treated to lunch at a private home in the historic district of Lima. The home was one of the first built when the Spanish conquered Peru in the 1530's and is still occupied by the descendants of that original Conquistador.

Tomorrow we leave very early (4 am!!) for the airport for our flight back to the States.

As much as I have enjoyed this trip I am very much looking forward to being home again!

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