Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 3: Second floor emerges


I was in New York City most of the week for a business trip so was happy to come home to find the second floor framing starting to take place. The guys did a lot of framing inside the house as well to hold the house together as the second floor is constructed. When the roof trusses arrive in another week or so, the new roof will be put on and the old roof will be removed.

Unfortunately we had a lot of rain this week. Even with the old roof still on, there is a lot of water in the house...all the way down to the basement apartment. So I'll have to rip out the floors and perhaps even the walls down there as well. It's not a big deal because the floors downstairs would have been damaged anyway when the new structural support columns are installed.

This week the plan is to finalize the window schedule. There are two or three windows in the in-law apartment that I'm thinking of removing from the plan all together. I don't think they add that much to lighting or ventilation. It will also save a few bucks! I also need to try to find some time to remove more shingles. It will be much easier since the remaining shingles on the house are all at a level that won't require me to be up on scaffolding!
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