Saturday, March 6, 2010

Week 25: Kitchen, Painting, Siding


The front of the house still hasn't changed much but the new shipment of exterior siding arrived late in the week and the back of the house is pretty much done. The contractors finished all of the mudding/taping/sanding/priming of the dry wall this week. They did a nice job and were very efficient. It is not easy work.

The weather earlier in the week was terrible, so the guys did a lot of interior painting and installed the kitchen cabinets (which are beautiful!). The appliances arrived on Thursday and I like them alot. They fit just as they were supposed to. The kitchen designer came and took the measurements for the counter top so that should be delivered in another week or so. After shopping around quite a bit I came to a deal with Marden's for hardwood flooring and that will be delivered next week along with a bunch of flooring tile from Home Depot.

I've been putting in my "sweat equity" by painting after work and on the weekends. The rooms are pretty small so it doesn't take that much time. If I can get all the painting done on the first and second floors it means that the guys can start putting in the flooring when the weather isn't good for the exterior siding work. The only hang up at the moment is that I want to put up the ceiling fan in the stairway before they take down the staging and the painting in the stairway can't be finished until the staging comes down. Not a big deal though..there is still a ton of stuff to do for now.

Things are really starting to come together!
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