Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 27: Putting Humpty Dumpty back together again


The house is at the stage where a lot is going on but it feels like nothing is getting done! The weather was great this week so the guys were outside working on the siding most of the week. They also got my range vent installed.

The plumbers finished putting in all of the radiators and started on the plumbing. The electrician has shown up a couple of times and is plugging away at electrical outlets, lights, smoke detectors, etc.

I finished all of the painting on the first two floors except where there is staging under the big front dormer. I bought a ceiling fan this week so once that is installed, and the trim around the front dormer window is completed, then the staging will come down and we can finish the painting. In the meantime, I've moved painting operations to the apartment.

We found one "gottcha" this week. The light switch box at the base of the stairs is right where the handrail needs to go. So it has to be moved. I'm hoping it won't be a big deal, but we'll see!

The weather is supposed to be ugly early next week so the guys will come inside and start flooring.
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