Saturday, October 24, 2009

Week 6: Little Tree Tops Gets a Top


The materials to build the roof for Little Tree Tops arrived this week and the framing is well underway. Fortunately, the guys had a few good weather days last week but for the most part it has been cold and rainy. I can't wait for the house to be closed in so that everthing can start drying out.

More framing for new windows was accomplished this week as well. The windows should be delivered on November 26. I didn't get a chance this week to do anything with shingles but I'm planning on getting the last little patch off the back of the house before I have to travel for work at the end of next week.

This week brought another unexpected expense...the front lawn. The boom truck that delivered the trusses was quite heavy and now I have ruts in my lawn. I doubt that the ground will "rebound" back to the way it was.
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