Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 7: Mind the gaps


The weather was favorable this week and the guys made great progress on the second floor. The walls for the second floor all have plywood on them now. Plywood is also on the roof so we are closer to having the house be closed in and protected from the rain. There are still a few gaps left where the dormers need to be built. Next week's project I think. Matt was under the weather most of the week but the rest of the crew checked in with him multiple times each day to let him know what was happening.

All of the shingles are off the house now...except for a few behind the oil tank that we can't get to just yet because the tank is so close to the wall. I'm off on a business trip for a week starting tomorrow but when I get back it will be time to get busy on taking shingles off the garage. I'll be so glad when that part of the project is over!
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