Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 10: Who moved my front door?


The roofers arrived this week and finished roofing the garage and the house. The timing could not have been better. Just as they were laying the last shingles on Friday morning, the rain drops started. The new windows already in so the guys spent a lot of time on the framing for the installation of the windows. The support columns for the second floor were also put in place on the basement and first floor levels. Next week the 30 foot long support beam on which the roof trusses will be hung will be put into place. Because the stairs to the new second floor will be centered under the front dormer the front door to the house was removed and the new front door was framed in.

Matt and I met with the kitchen design person on site and figured out the final measurements for the kitchen. I'll order the cabinets next week. I've picked out a nice fridge and stove. The kitchen will be small, but very functional.

It will be a short week next week because of Thanksgiving but the masons are coming in to extend the chimney and the guys will continue along on building the second floor. I'm taking off next Friday after Thanksgiving to put in some dedicated time on removing the siding on the garage. The days have just been too short to do this after work!
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