Saturday, November 14, 2009

Week 9: Transformation !


Another productive week on the job site! We had great weather all week long. All three dormers are finished and the structural improvements to the back roof have been completed. Except for some space around the chimney where there is no flashing yet, the house is closed in. The old roof is gone and the temporary bracing on the interior has been removed. With no second floor yet the place looks very spacious!

Next week, if the weather is good, the guys will install trim along the new roof line. They also will start putting in the structural members needed to support the second floor. I selected the roof shingle color (charcoal) and that will be installed soon (along with the garage roof). I bought a new oil tank and once the old tank is removed I can finish removing the very few shingles that remain on the house. If the weather is good tomorrow I will start removing the siding on the garage. Matt put up some scaffolding for me to make this job easier.
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