Saturday, December 5, 2009

Week 12: Windows and stairs


The windows arrived this week and they are beautiful! Two of the big feature windows didn't get put in because they are HUGE and will require the help of a boom truck to get them to the second floor...but they'll go in early next week. The stairs to the second floor are all framed and the subfloor on the first floor is all down. The mason arrived on Friday and did the very messy job of removing the existing chimney.

With the help of a friend I was able to get all but one side of the garage stripped of shingles and the final wall will only take a couple of hours to take care of.

Next week the focus will be on getting the big windows installed and on getting the interior framing underway. Hopefully the mason will be able to get back and get the chimney re-built. It is almost time to bring in the electrician and plumber and the radon remediation people.
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