Saturday, December 12, 2009

Week 13: Interior Framing


All the windows have been installed now except for one in the kitchen that was the wrong size. In at least one room I'm thinking I probably only needed one window instead of two and perhaps my bedroom window could have been smaller....but they look terrific. I will need to spend some money on shades and curtains!

The interior framing is almost done. The space is going to be really open and inviting for such a small little house. I had to change where the door to the garage is going to go because there wasn't enough space for the laundry and the downstairs bath in two separate rooms. So now there will be one room with both laundry and bath and the door to the garage will be off of the main foyer rather than down a separate hallway. It takes a bit of warmth away from the entry way, but overall I think it will work out just great. Plus it means I don't have to spend money to buy a subcompact washer and dryer and will have more than 2 inches between the toilet and the bathtub!

The masons arrived and started to rebuild the chimney. It has a ways to go yet, but the brick work looks very nice. I'm going to leave the chimney brick exposed in the kitchen. I just hope they show up next week to finish the work so that we can finish the flashing and shingles on the roof.

I had the code enforcement officer stop by and she was happy with everything except my big picture window in the kitchen/family room. The window is not high enough off the floor to meet code and she isn't buying the plan to put a built in window seat in front of the window. So we have to change the header somehow or that window will have to move downstairs and I'll need to order replacement. It is an expensive change so I'm hoping that the header can be modified without affecting the structural integrity of the wall.

I ordered the kitchen cabinets and appliances so those are in the works. Next week the focus will be on meeting up with the electrician and the plumber and possibly the radon remediation people to get all of those things roughed in.
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