Friday, February 12, 2010

Week 22: Mud (and Tape) Season


Lots of sheet rock was hung this week and the mudding and taping crew showed up on Wednesday and have made excellent progress on the first coat. There is probably a day's worth of sheet rock work in the basement apartment and then it will be another week or two before the mudding and taping and priming is finished. In the meantime Matt and his team will move back outside and work on the siding and on getting things ready for the roof that will be over the front porch.

The plumbers finished running the pipes for the heat and have taken off for another job until the radiators are ready to install. Time for me to pick out colors for painting because we'll be to that point early in March!

I'm also off the temporary Bangor Hydro connection and am officially back "on the grid." Bangor Hydro welcomed me with a nice big bill...
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