Sunday, February 7, 2010

Week 21: More Dry Wall


The dry wall continued this week. Next week another crew will come in to start the mudding and taping. The code enforcement officer came out to confirm what is needed for dry wall in the bridge and in the boiler room to meet code and that all looks very straightforward.

The plumbers have been busy running the tubing for the heat and the electrician hooked up the fuse box in the in law apartment.

I got the quote for the master bath shower work and it was more than I had hoped it would be. I'm working to see where I might get some cost savings. I was going to install electric radiant heat in the bathroom floor but I don't think I'll actually need it so I've dropped that out of the equation. The only other place I think I can save money is on the choice of tiles .... and maybe on the kind of glass used for the shower door and wall.

It is interesting how the perception of space changes during a building project. As the dry wall goes up the spaces seem much smaller than when there was nothing but open studs. But I really like the space. It is going to be quite functional and cozy when it is all done!
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