Saturday, January 30, 2010

Week 20: Dry wall begins


No changes on the exterior siding this week--- but on the interior, the dry wall is going up. I was surprised when I walked in the house because it was warm and then discovered that a couple of the heaters have been installed and hooked up. The electrician got the upstairs circuit panel installed, too. No more tangle of dangling wires. Looks nice and neat.

The guys installed my front door. I still need to stain it so that it looks like wood but it is nice to have a real door instead of a piece of plywood! I like the door. It matches the style of the windows really nicely.

Looks like most of next week will be devoted to hanging dry wall. I talked with the kitchen/bath designer and finalized the design of my master bath shower so I should be getting the bid for that installation job next week.
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