Friday, April 16, 2010

Week 31: Siding and Shower


Lots of progress on the exterior siding this week. The bridge connecting the garage and the house has a roof on it and is fully sided. The front of the house is the only major part of the house that needs siding at this point! Unfortunately there was no sign of the fellow who is going to excavate the dirt away from the front of the house so that I can re-coat the foundation block. Hope he shows up next week! In addition to the siding the trim work on my big front dormer is finished and the the carpet has been laid in three rooms. The tile work on the master bath shower is also making very good progress and I bought the treads for the stairs.

The gas stove will be hooked up next week and I'm also hoping that the kitchen counter tops will be in by then. It would be great to have one fully functional bathroom and a functional kitchen by the end of next week!
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