Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week 36: Countdown to Inspection


The front porch is still not complete but there was incredible amount of finish work this week aimed at getting the house ready for an occupancy permit inspection. The stairs and handrail are complete and the tiling in the master bath is done! Next week the shower door will be installed and the plumbing will be finished. On Wednesday I'll get my inspection for occupancy and if all goes well I'll start moving in at the end of the week! Hurrah!

There is still a fair amount of little stuff left. The interior doors won't arrive until June 1 and the baseboard trim needs to be installed. On the exterior the porch needs to be finished and I'll have to get a painter to do the trim pain and caulk the joints of the siding. I also have a lot of stuff that we saved from the demo phase of the project that I put aside "just in case" and I've now got to sort through all of that and toss most of it in the dumpster..while I still have a dumpster handy!!!

It will be great to be living in the house and to have all my stuff in one place at last!!!!
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