Monday, May 31, 2010

Week 37: Screeching Halt!


I was hoping that I would be writing this week about moving in to my new house. But that plan ended when the code enforcement officer informed me that two of my windows did not meet life safety code. In rooms that could serve as bedrooms, I need at least one window with 5.7 sq ft of clear opening. The windows that are currently installed have 5.3 sq ft. of clear opening. Sigh. After some negotiation with the building supplier I have new windows ordered but there will be some window framing changes required and it will take about 3 weeks to get the new windows in. Fortunately I have a place to stay for now... but it sure will be nice to unpack and get everything organized again.

My front porch is finished and the shower door in the master bath was installed. Both look great! I picked up my interior doors over the weekend and they will be installed next week. The master bath vanity is also due to be delivered and the garage door installer will be by to do a final measure of the doors to be sure that the ones I ordered are the right size.
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