Thursday, December 31, 2009

Week 16: Electrical and plumbing


The bridge from the house to the garage now has a window and a roof. I was really worried that the roof line for the bridge wouldn't fit under the roof line of the garage ..but it did, and it looks great. The electrician and plumbers have been busily running wire and pipe this week...not easy work when it is so miserably cold (single digits and teens!). The masons have been on site for the past two days and it is looking like they will finish the chimney this week. That will be a great milestone to reach because then Matt can finish the roofing around the chimney.

Once the electricians and plumbers finish the rough in I'll have the code enforcement officer do the next inspection and then the foam insulation guys can come in and do their thing. Matt and the guys are almost done with all of the interior framing so they will begin working on the external siding and trim!

It is looking like March will be the target date for when the house is in good enough shape for me to move in!
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